20 de imagini cu statusuri motivaționale în engleză

Loveisaname vă propune o colecție de 22 de imagini cu citate motivaționale în engleză care pot reprezenta sursa voastră de motivație.

  1. Go for it! Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.
Screenshot 20210804 183854 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128181834392419

2. Experience is the best teacher

Screenshot 20210804 184926 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128196304096583

3. Create your own sunshine

Screenshot 20210804 185755 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128220900046059

4. Don’t forget to love yourself

Screenshot 20210804 191535 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128238778808035

5. Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.

Screenshot 20210804 194551 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128269608241884

6. Stress less and enjoy the best.

Screenshot 20210804 195629 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128395659317907

7. Turn your wounds into wisdom

Screenshot 20210805 015444 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128430764596547

8. The best views come after the hardest climbs.

Screenshot 20210805 021022 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128447823468420

9. The little things in life matter.

Screenshot 20210805 022914 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128467972419458

10. Little things make big days

Screenshot 20210805 025021 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128585505163711

11. Get lost in nature and you will find yourself.

Screenshot 20210806 203124 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128673234426719

12. A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear

Screenshot 20210806 205624 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128689018275154

13. Look for the magic in every moment

Screenshot 20210806 211925 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128719427973066

14. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Screenshot 20210807 001936 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128762304846497

15. Dream it. Wish it. Do it.

Screenshot 20210807 004239 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128776905895453

16. There is no time like the present

Screenshot 20210807 020440 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128824781268883

17. The very first step toward success in any occupation is to become interested in it.

Screenshot 20210807 020606 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128839319819402

18. Sometimes all the soul needs is a walk in nature!

Screenshot 20210804 202313 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128407645187697 1


Screenshot 20210806 214858 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128741506071500

20. Don’t dream your life, live your dreams.

Screenshot 20210808 210004 com.pixel .art .coloring.color .number edit 128152803563777
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